Our Products


Special herbal Liver tonic prepared from selective herbs having functional properties as liver stimulant, correctant and disgestant.
BENEFITS* Improves liver function and helps for better digestion. * Corrects liver disorders like fatty livers. * Improves feed conversion ratio.


Extracts of special selective herbs along with essential oils having anti frothing, antizymotic, antacid and digestive stimulant properties.
BENEFITS* It is a best anti frothing agent and breaks the froth and makes the route clear for easy expulsion of gases. * It is also a best antizymotic agent and stops excess fermentations as well as production of excess gases.


Special herbal & mineral preparation having functional properties as ecbolic and involution of uterus in animals.
BENEFITS* Effectively and quickly expels the placenta retained. * Very safe and no side effects during the process of action and also later. * Helps to reduce the excessive discharges and so helps to avoid possible infections like metritis, pyometra etc.


Vitamins & Mineral Supplement.
BENEFITS* Maintains optimum health, immunity growth & body weight. * Increases fertility, sexual maturity and sperm quality. * Covers vitamin and minerals related to deficiencies. * Enhances liver function.


Special Quality Cattle Mixture Enriched with Chromium and Amino Acids.
BENEFITS* Ensures higher fertility rate and conception. * Helps for faster recovery from illness. * Milk production and milk fat content improves and maintains for longer periods.


For High Milk Yeild.
BENEFITS* Keeps the animals with optimum health, immunity and activeness. * Increases milk yield. * Improves fat content in the milk. * Helps for fast growth and extra body weights.


Herbal Antipyretic & Analgesic.
BENEFITS* Fever in inflammatory conditions like mastitis, metritis, osteo arthritis, teno synovitis, myositis, neuritis, fibrositis, coxitis, gonitis, neuralgia, etc. * Pain associated with prolapse of uterus, operative procedures, soft tissue injuries like sprains etc.


For Improves Libido & Promotes Sexual Drive.
BENEFITS* Increased libido in breeding males. * Longer reaction time prior to mounting. Dosage: Bulls & Stallions: 5 g once daily for 10 days before resuming collection or natural service. Concurrent usage of SEM-UP is recommended.


C-MAX-Vet Liquid is a special formulation prepared from special selective herbs which are rich source of natural Vitamin C fortified with Electrolytes.
BENEFITS* Helps to increase the disease resistance. * Helps to relieve the animals from stress factors. * Helps to increase the health and immunity in Animals. * Helps to increase milk production.


Vitamin A Supplement.
BENEFITS1. Highly useful in the following stress conditions * Vaccination * Deworming * Handling * Transportation * Disease * Climatic disturbance etc. 2. Improves health & immunity. 3. Increases growth and body weight.

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